The Miserable Mind of a Miserable Man

by Kevin Kelton

Imagine the late-night inner thoughts of Donald Trump. Imagine you’re him. You know you lied, cheated, bullied, and bamboozled your way to the presidency, the same unethical way you achieved every “success” in your life. Now Robert Mueller, leading a team of expert prosecutors and the entire FBI, is going through your business and financial life with a lice comb. You know what is out there for him to find. And you know he’ll find it.

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Presidential Qualifications: The Age Test

A lot has been said in the last few weeks about which Democratic candidate is or isn’t “qualified” to be president. But in assessing the qualifications for the nation’s highest and most demanding office, one has to look at physical qualifications as well as professional ones.

I’m sorry if this post isn’t Politically Correct or offends someone’s delicate sensibilities, but watching Sen. Bernie Sanders in last night’s Democratic debate, I couldn’t help but feel he looks too elderly and frail to take on the likes of Putin or Assad. We know what happened to FDR and Woodrow Wilson under the stress of the job, and they were much younger men than Sanders is now. And as pleasant and articulate as Jane Sanders is, I’m not sure she’s ready to run the country in her husband’s place.

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