Hillary Clinton

Fathers Love Politics


Politics through the eyes of Father’s Day

A Republican woman’s view of Hillary breaking the glass ceiling

Why can’t you have two women on a presidential ticket?

What knocked Bernie Sanders off Hillary’s vp short list?

The absolute, ultimate, best-est vp candidate that no one is talking about

How Orlando is changing the political landscape

Waiting periods and other things nobody can agree on

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Presumptive Nominees Abound


Clinton gets it. Does Sanders?

What will Bernie do? And when will he do it?

Donald and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.

Gary Johnson is totally going to be the next president and we all agree on that.

Orlando is much more complicated than it appears.

Vice Presidential predictions are too hard
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Couples Counseling for a Hill-Man and a Berner Babe

by Kevin Kelton

Romantic couples sometimes need the help of an objective outsider to break bad interpersonal habits and patch up hard feelings, and Facebook friends are no different. As a Facebook group moderator and Psych minor (and former dorm R.A.), I’m often called on to mediate conflicts among couples who are struggling politically. Here is one Private Message counseling session I had recently with a Bernie Smathers supporter and a Hillary Clayton voter. (NOTE: Names have been changed for privacy.)

Moderator: Good morning. You two seem unusually distant today. What gives?

Kathy: Him! Or more accurately, he doesn’t give. He is the least giving person I know. Ever since his Queen Hillary was crowned the nominee by the corporate media, he’s been gloating all over our news feeds.

Rick: I’m not gloating. I’m celebrating. My candidate won, and I’m happy. Why can’t you just accept that and be happy for me? Read More

Maybe Sanders Ain’t So Bad


Kevin goes to a Sanders rally!

DJ declares Paul Ryan #VonPapenized!

Jonah invites to to his Libertarian Corner!

Check out this episode!

Chatting With A Bernie or Buster



The Libertarian Choice

Let’s meet a Bernie supporter

Do SuperDelegates vote? (Hint: Y-E-S !)

What the Bernie or Bust movement means

Will the Democrats have a contested convention? (Hint: N-O!)

Strip Tease at the Libertarian Convention 

Trump as Mr. Classy

Fading hopes for a Trump-Sanders Debate

The Inspector General report on Hillary’s email


Democratic Delegate Selection Material (the “bylaws” that Mera referred to)

Latest List of Democratic SuperDelegates and How they are Pledged

Bathroom Politics and Sanders Anger


Bathroom politics.

All the lefties are pissed and it’s Bernie’s fault.

And I guess we should talk about the vice president.

Check out this episode!

Bernie Sanders’ Name May Be On The Ballot This Fall…Whether He Wants It There Or Not

Bernie Sanders may be about to run as a third party candidate in the general election, whether he knows it or not. And whether he wants to or not. Sounds ludicrous? Hear me out…

Like anyone who plays with fire, Sanders is about to get burned by his own revolution. Sanders has lost control of his unruly movement, and the Bernie or Bust crowd will not go gladly into that good night – even after Clinton’s inevitable nomination, when Bernie will no doubt urge his millennial minions to get on board with her.

“Okay,” you say, “but no one can force Sanders to run in the fall. Right?” Wrong.

Yes, they can get him to run. Or at least, they can run his name.  Read More

It’s Over. Probably.


  • What Pennsylvania taught us
  • Emily and Kevin spend a day at a delegate caucus
  • Trump pivots, Cruz divots… OR… ”Oy-Carly”
  • White House Correspondents’ Dinner
  • What’s appropriate political satire
  • Bernie’s platform demands
  • Is the Woman Card the new Race Card? 

Check out this episode!

Busting a Hole in the ‘Bernie or Busters’

Okay, time to bust a hole in the Bernie or Bust movement. No, their noisy Facebook threats notwithstanding, they will not throw the general election to Donald Trump. Because, once again, their inability to do math disproves their theory of the race. Here’s how…

The B or B theory is that enough BernieBots who either stay home or vote third party will deny Hillary Clinton the votes she’ll need to win. But that’s extremely unlikely. The numbers prove it.

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Front Runner Is As Front Runner Does


Clinton and Trump win big in New York. Surprise!

Virginia allows certain felons to vote. Apparently felons are also human.

Harriet Tubman probably would have shot Andrew Jackson in the face.

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Dispelling the Sanders’ Matchup Poll Myth

Now that New York has spoken and any realistic chance for Bernie Sanders to catch Hillary Clinton in pledged delegates has vanished, it’s time to dispel the Sanders campaign’s myth that general election matchup polls should determine who gets the 2016 Democratic nomination. It’s true that Sanders is currently doing slightly better than Hillary Clinton in head-to-head polls against Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. But that has never been, and should never be, the deciding criteria when choosing a nominee. The proof is in history itself. Specifically, the Clinton-Obama race of 2008.

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Republicans Love The Naughty Bits


The way you pee is very important to me!

Robert’s Rules of Order stages a sneak attack!

A surprising Trump voter.

Check out this episode!