Harvey Weinstein

The Devine Mystery of Net Neutrality(Ep. 128)

Episode 128 of The More Perfect Union podcast covers the mystery of what ‘net neutrality’ means, the latest in the ongoing GOP tax reform debate, the looming battle over the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, more charges of sexual harrassment in Washington, D.C., and who should be Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.

A Salem Witch Hunt of Modern Times

by Kevin Kelton

I have a feeling this is going to be a very loud week and month in the world of public sexual harassment claims. With the latest allegation against Sen. Al Franken over a photo taken with a stranger at a state fair, the dam has now broken and we are on the other side of the looking glass. Credible reports of sexual misconduct must always be taken seriously and evaluated with fairness to the accuser as well as the accused, and true victims must be believed and the evidence judged fairly.

But if this becomes a runaway train of spurious accusations and half-baked claims (“He pulled me close” for the Franken photo) based on memories of where a hand was momentarily placed while posing for a photo or how aggressive a comedy sketch kiss was, we are in trouble as a society.

Any photo op could be turned into a harassment charge, with only the person’s vague (and often politically motivated) memory as evidence. Read More