Bernie Sanders

The GOP Plot Against Trump


We are finally beginning to see a detailed strategy to stop Trump: from the Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is in to win it. Exactly how, we’re not sure.

Turns out Obama is popular. Is that because of Merrick Garland? Will it stop because of Cuba?

The Hillary-Bernie Swing State Matchup (updated)

by Kevin Kelton

Yes, at one point Bernie Sanders won 7 out of 8 straight contests, plus some impressive victories in Michigan and Wisconsin, and he’s poised to win a few more in May. Yet that is only a partial snapshot of what has happened in his contest with Hillary Cintin this primary season. To date, Clinton has won 27 contests (including American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands) and Sanders has won 20 (including Democrats Abroad).

But let’s narrow things down what really counts in a presidential election: swing states. There are 12 purple states in 2016. Hillary has won primaries or caucuses in 8 of them (OH, FL, VA, NC, MO, NV, IA, AZ) and Bernie has 4 (WI, NH, CO, MI).

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Normal Political Violence


Is violence at political events the new normal?

Does the violence issue help or hurt the Sanders campaign?

How much of the minority vote does Sanders actually need? Can he find it in the mid-west?

Is the Clinton Honduras scandal a thing? Like, really?

Why Ivanka Trump may be the most important person in American politics today


by Kevin Kelton

In the 1979 movie Americathon, a fictional U.S. president decides to hold a telethon to pay down the national debt. That was a satiric look into the “future” of 1998. But just decades later, what seemed like satire then now seems all-too-real. America has become a telethon.

It’s everywhere. On my newsfeed. In late-night comedy shows. At the dinner table and dentist office. Even coming from my kids. The world is now a 24/7 presidential election. They might as well call it an Elect-A-Thon.

Ever since the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation decided to end it’s annual 21-hour charity telethon, America has been in search of it’s next “thon” fix. Sure, there’s still the Boston Marathon, the Penn State “THON” charity dance-a-thon, the St. Jude Trike-A-thon (a real thing), and the “Surf Dog” Dog Surf-A-Thon (I kid you not!).

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Romney Arrives To Save Us All


Here he comes to save the day! Mighty Mitt is on the way!

Clinton vs Sanders in a gun fight.

Four Republican paths to the nomination. No, really.

Maybe the worst set of political predictions ever. No, really!

Why Clinton Beats Trump…In Pictures

Today, instead of arguing the general election in words, let’s argue it in pictures. (And save me a thousand words.)

For every argument that Donald Trump can beat Hillary Clinton by turning out new, first-time white voters, there’s a picture that says, “No, he can’t.”

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Super Tuesday Is Super Crazy


Will Trump run the table?

Will Sanders win outside of his home state?

Will D.J. leave the Republican party?

Will Trump give Rubio’s mom a job?

I Love Millennials…But…

I love millennials. I even own one. Well, as much as a father can ever own an 18-year-old man. So when I read how energized and excited millennials are to vote this year, I am heartened by their newfound political activism. But am I impressed by their overwhelming choice to support Bernie Sanders? Not really.

Let’s remember, any 18-year-olds planning to cast their first vote for Sanders were only 10 when Barack Obama was elected. They were only 11-12 when Americans were torn apart by the Obamacare town hall debates that blew up across the country—far too young to have understood the deep divides that swirled around a new president’s efforts to radically change our healthcare system. And their 26-year-old millennial “elders” were only 18 or 19 back then. All their adult memories of presidential elections are of the good-guy Democrat winning, with no historical knowledge of how liberal candidates can get slaughtered in a national campaign. How can young people who have barely learned to drive understand the Mt. Everest-size speed bump that stands between a Sanders nomination and a Sanders administration?

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Shadow of Scalia Falls over South Carolina


GOP Debate

Democratic Debate

The Open SCOTUS Seat

Nevada, South Carolina and beyond


Sanders’ Electoral Math

Let’s talk electoral college math for a moment. Here’s why I’m so concerned about a Bernie Sanders candidacy. This is the electoral map as I see it. And I gave Bernie the benefit of the doubt in several states that I think might be tough for him (NJ, CA, WI). But looking at that map, I don’t see him getting to 270 from here, for these reasons:

IOWA – Sure, he had a great caucus showing. But let’s not forget that in a record turnout year, GOP turnout was still 15,415 higher than Dem turnout. And that’s with all the independents who crossed over to caucus for him, and with record under-30 turnout. So his “I’ll increased Democratic turnout” argument is already baked into the numbers. Plus in a general election, Bernie would bleed some moderate Iowa Dems who find him too liberal.

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Episode 21: Onward, New Hampshire


A look back at Iowa

On to New Hampshire

Reviewing the debates

The national mood, and why it sucks

Predictions going forward


Sanders Supporters’ Short-term Memory

Did you see all those “young people” caucusing for Bernie Sanders in Iowa yesterday? Most looked to be around 18-23, right? Very enthusiastic. Trying to convert other voters to come with the Sanders group, talking about how Bernie wants to give everyone free healthcare and free college. Inspiring, huh?

But you know what? They have no memory of the last eight years.

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