Comments for The More Perfect Union Podcast
Real debate without the hate!Fri, 12 Oct 2018 02:15:37 +0000hourly1 on At War With Millennials by Mary Keith
Fri, 12 Oct 2018 02:15:37 +0000 wouldn’t judge all millennials by the members in Open Fire. Open Fire wants to attract a demographic of diverse opinions and views that can discuss differing views in a respectful manner. Some of the members are of this mien however there are many flame throwers, ranters, trolls, bots, resentful Bernie bro’s and nut jobs. We cannot judge a generation by a few posters on Open Fire as that would be as bad as the judging of our generation of baby boomers who share NOTHING in common except having been born during a certain span of years. We were judged as ALL being Hippies and Yippies when in fact we were a very diverse group of people just like Millenials. Let’s not put down this group and instead see them as our hope for the future. Don’t divide and condemn but instead find common ground and join together.
]]>Comment on Partisan Politics Metastasize to Supreme Court by Venita Gatheright
Sun, 23 Sep 2018 16:44:23 +0000 GOP are obvioulsy in the pockets of the Evangelicals! Whatever happened to the separation of church and State? Forcing their religious views on every one then turning the other cheek when one of their own has been “unchrisitian”. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. The GOP and their so called Christian backers are all hypocrites. It’s not ok to rape or assault women. It’s not ok for Kavanaugh to be on the SCOTUS when he has lied under oath and has this dark past. It’s not ok to to treat women as objects or things as he has done to his law clerks. And it’s not ok for the GOP to ram rod any nominee through this process just to have another conservative in their pocket to do their and Trump’s bidding. And that’s what’s going on! We all see what and why they’re doing this! They want to force their religious views in to the laws of America and force Americans to live by their extreme Christian rules. Their anti abortion stance and anti women’s rights conservative views cannot be forced on us! Their actions will be rewarded in their defeat come November! #BlueWave #VoteBlue #Resist
]]>Comment on Partisan Politics Metastasize to Supreme Court by Don Brunk
Fri, 21 Sep 2018 15:02:41 +0000 leftist hit piece. Let’s not talk about how false this story sounds, the months of holding the accusation until the last minute and her constantly changing story and conditions for telling it. It smells of a Dem hit piece set to derail the advise and consent procedure. Most are not buying it.
]]>Comment on Partisan Politics Metastasize to Supreme Court by Kathy Boyle
Thu, 20 Sep 2018 23:36:12 +0000 do not agree with you. The Republicans have done nothing wrong. The idea that Feinstein sat on a letter for WEEKS & never even bothered to ask Kavanaugh if this accusation was true during her time to ask questions during the hearings AND also during her extensive private conversations. If Orif Ford is not willing to testify in front of Congress & Kavanaugh then congress needs to vote. This person, Ford does NOT SOUND AT ALL CREDIBLE in my eyes & believe me I’m a 73 yr old female who has seen a lot in my lifetime. The DEMOC RATS aren’t a circus & most of America are just TIRED OF THEIR BULKSHIT!!!!!!!
K. Boyle
]]>Comment on Partisan Politics Metastasize to Supreme Court by B webber
Thu, 20 Sep 2018 20:47:30 +0000 biased against our constitutional republic. Apparently he does not k ow even this fact!! His bias is universally evident!! His statements contain no facts nor relevant information!! His accusations are full of vitreous!! I fell sorry for him and his cabal of anti-Americans. They are to blame along with the rest of the party of democrats, progress is and socialists. They would rather give power to Mrs. Ford that is way beyond her authority. Her lawyers and members of the democrats sitting on the judiciary committee have no desire to seek truth as they would rather believe that judge kanaugh is guilty until proven innocent. These are lawless people that gave no true love of country rather they have every desire to crush anyone that opposes them by using every diabolical method at their disposal to reek havoc on our constitutional republic. Mrs. Ford has made the allocations let them prove it in the approximate venue which is not the u.s. Senate’ it us the criminal justice system in the city in which the alleged attack took place!!! To close our justice system requires her to begin a case in the city that has standing!!
]]>Comment on Partisan Politics Metastasize to Supreme Court by J walker
Thu, 20 Sep 2018 18:45:53 +0000’re blinded by partisan, identity politics!
]]>Comment on On the Republican Tax Deform by No, my fellow conservatives, the regulation rollbacks aren't worth supporting Trump either • The More Perfect Union Podcast
Thu, 20 Sep 2018 15:09:10 +0000[…] “reform”, and regulation rollbacks. I’ve already discussed why the 2017 tax law should bring no smile to a conservative’s face; I’ve also explained how fleeting “control” of the judicial branch really is. […]
]]>Comment on Not-So-Super Delegates (Ep. 170) by Jason Clabaugh
Tue, 28 Aug 2018 04:08:53 +0000 did have an exploratory committee. He worked for over a year to decide if he was running. So he didn’t just announce on the spur of the moment. Additionally, I am friends with a very high up dem official and Bernie would never have run at all had Elizabeth Warren not kowtowed to the party and HRC. She was going to run and was told to “wait” that it was HRC’s turn. THAT is how we ended up with Bernie.